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PE & Sports Premium

At Marie Weller Primary School we place a great emphasis on developing PE and school sport opportunities for our children.

We want all children to leave our school physically literate and with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.

We aim to achieve this by effective use of the School Sports Premium funding that we receive. The aims of this funding are:

  • To develop the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity.
  • To ensure the profile of PE and sport is being raised across the school.
  • To increase confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport.
  • To provide a broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils.
  • To increase participation in competitive sport.

'I have failed over and over again in my life, but that is why I succeed.' (Michael Jordan)

PE Curriculum

PE is an essential part of the curriculum and something we value highly here at Marie Weller.

High quality PE develops the fundamental skills required for children to go on and enjoy a healthy and active lifestyle, giving them the tools required to access a range of physical activities and sports.

It is a crucial part of building self-confidence and self-esteem and may be an opportunity for different pupils to shine.

Our PE Curriculum will allow Key Stage 1 to focus on multi-skills using a wide range of equipment and games. This will prepare the children for applying and further developing these skills through more sport specific lessons in Key Stage 2.


School Sports Clubs

We always work hard to provide a wide variety of sports clubs for the children that take place before and after school. These would not be possible without the dedicated staff who give up their own time to provide these for the children. The clubs do change with seasons and are in line with many of the local sporting competitions that are held each year.

Over the course of this year we aim to provide the following:

Football, Dance, Multiskills, Dodgeball, Gymnastics and probably a few others too!

For further information please visit the extra-curricular clubs section of our website.


Useful Documents

Sports Premium 2022-2023 MWPS

Sports Premium 2023-2024 MWPS